Because they want to stay in power in the elections that will be by soon.
Only here do you ever think in a way what the government actually get the money to spend much less easily give sweets to the public?
Among them, print money based on debt. 
To print the new currency, the new debt will already exist.  Been so customary when there is the person who created the debt must have the tax payer. 
When government makes debt .. who paid it ..?  WE !!!
How do WE pay for it ..? 
Out tax accumulated, with price increases, rising fuel prices, and etc.
When calculated by the government debt has reached RM605 billion and if divided by the number of Malaysians who totaled 29.1 million average for each person to bear the government debt almost RM20,790.00/person. 
Amount will be increased from time to time and this debt will never be paid until the collapse of the paper money system.
Stay tuned after the General Election-13th no matter BN Government or might be PR Government  win hike in fuel prices, rising prices of essential goods and an increase in tax rates would still be up.
Caused what ..? 
Caused the paper money system makes humans continue to be enslaved and wealth circulating in certain groups.
he rich will remain rich and growing wealth and the poor will remain trapped in poverty and poor will increase.
For those who see only the external points of what they see banknotes only a new look, beautiful and try to get it soon. 
Only the use of his eyes will be able to see the truth.
Truth that how ..? 
Truth that we all are slaves to the system created by the Antichrist
During our system as being born into a prison that we do not taste, smell or touch.
Until after the time we all wake up from sleep aware of  realities.
If you get awareness..convert your paper savings into gold and silver.
If you feel that this story is incorrect, ignore and continue to live like before.
I  just to share and tell the truth.